Islanders Write, Resources for Debut Authors
My thanks to all who attended the workshop and my warmest wishes for every success in completing your works, finding representation, choosing a publisher, and launching your books. Please feel free to email me if you have additional questions.
Happy Book Birthday, MOON!

Memories of "Disneyland Trees" Help Break A Writing Log Jam

Making "Momories"
On Turning Corners

Snow Moon and Snowdrops: Harbingers of Spring
Milestone Holidays

Winter Solstice

Happy Holidays!

Happy Halloween to My Six-Month Old Baby

One Month and Counting

The Moon Always Rising made her debut five weeks ago. Whatever I imagined my book’s launch might be, this was different in just about every way.
The Super Flower Moon

Tomorrow, May 7, was to have been my celebration with Martha’s Vineyard friends of the launch of The Moon Always Rising. I imagined a night of Caribbean food, flowing rum, music, tropical shirts, and dancing. For the ritual book launch cake, we would have feasted on a coconut confection. It would be similar to the legendary cake my character Vivian Freeman served to her husband Finney’s separatist and revolutionary compatriots who dangerously congregated in their Nevis home. Our Caribbean chef, Deon Thomas, knew just the recipe to use. His grandmother’s.
Spring When We Need It Most

It’s been mostly raw and rainy on Martha’s Vineyard during the last weeks of March and April so far. By about now, we’re desperate for spring, but a warm, sunny day is often only a tease. April isn’t called “the cruelest month” for nothing.
Since it will be a little longer before The Moon Always Rising can sweep you away to tropical Nevis, awash in color and wafted by balmy breezes, I wanted to share a few images of what you might find there.
Sneak Peek!

Today, it's two weeks and counting toward the April 21, release date for The Moon Always Rising. But, like everything else in these ever-changing times, deliveries of all sorts have become unpredictable. If you pre-ordered MOON from an on-line vendor (thank you!), or from your local bookstore (thank you even more!), you might receive a copy more or less on time, or you may have received it already. Or you might have to wait.
Tips for Surviving Social Isolation and Cramped Quarters

In 1999, when I gave up my career as a global executive recruiter to move to my man’s cottage down a two-mile dirt road on an island, I exchanged a view of the New York City skyline for vistas of woods, meadows, dunes, and the Atlantic Ocean. Sound idyllic? For many, only during vacation, and only if it’s sunny. Give them a week of rain where I live and they’d go stir-crazy, even if not under house arrest. I love it, solitude and all. Or maybe solitude above all. But I had to come to terms with it. Here are some tips about living, working and cooking in a small space with no neighbors in sight.
Time to Pre-Order

No doubt you've noticed that nearly every particle of news is somehow connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. This one is, too, but only tangentially. I was always planning to send this message now about how to pre-order The Moon Always Rising, because so many of you have asked that question. The short answer is go to THE BOOK tab on this site and click on the vendor you favor. Please consider clicking on Indiebound. For more FAQ about ordering and why it's important to support indie bookstores, please read on.
How does this relate to COVID-19? While MOON will come into the world as planned, much as the moon herself is dependable, my launch plans have to change. Stay tuned for how. Also, even since I drafted this message a few days ago, accommodations to the COVID-19 pandemic continue to change. If you choose to buy through your local bookseller, please check with the shop about how to order through them. Some shops are delivering ordered books to customers' cars—drive-by bookselling! Whatever you do, stay safe. And keep reading!
Sea Monsters and Boat Races

This has been a week of sights beautiful and strange. Two of them brought to mind characters in The Moon Always Rising—Curly, the pet iguana kept by Liz, the charter captain who befriends (and more) the main character, Els Gordon, and Finney, the fisherman who was a boat designer, builder and racer in his native Anguilla before moving to Nevis.
Happy New Year, all you readers!
In the New Year and new decade, let's celebrate readers.
Happy Winter Solstice

FAQ: How long did it take you to write your novel?
A: Two decades or one, depending on when you start counting